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Recipe #07 - Let's cook!

Another desert:

- Patching and instance version compliance

Note: I have blogged about it: Using dbatools to verify your SQL Server instances version compliance

Set variables

In [ ]:
$dbatools1 = "localhost,1433"
$dbatools2 = "localhost,14333"
$secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString "dbatools.IO" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "sqladmin", $secureString
$database = "dbatools"

Check if instance is on lastest available build

In [ ]:
Test-DbaBuild -SqlInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred -Latest

Test if we aren't more than 1CU behind

In [ ]:
Test-DbaBuild -SqlInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred -MaxBehind 1CU

Example using the Meltdown/Spectre versions

In [ ]:
#Meltdown/Spectre check:
$mapping = @{
    '2008'   = '10.0.6556'
    '2008R2' = '10.50.6560'
    '2012'   = '11.0.7462'
    '2014'   = '12.0.5571'
    '2016'   = '13.0.4466'
    '2017'   = '14.0.3015'
foreach($inst in @($dbatools1, $dbatools2)) {
    $ref = Get-DbaBuildReference -SqlInstance $inst -SqlCredential $cred
    Test-DbaBuild -SqlInstance $inst -SqlCredential $cred -MinimumBuild $mapping[$ref.NameLevel]

Export result to excel. It uses ImportExcel PowerShell Module from Doug Finke

In [ ]:
# Excel magic
$excelFilePath = "D:\Presentations\PASS Marathon Portuguese 2020\Test-Compliance\Compliance_$((Get-Date).ToFileTime()).xlsx"
$results = Test-DbaBuild -SqlInstance $dbatools1,$dbatools2 -SqlCredential $cred -Latest
$results | Export-Excel -Path $excelFilePath -TableName "data" -TableStyle Medium10 -Show